Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


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Next  International Activities

appointments not to be miss


Virtual Kick Off Meeting, 3th of April 2023

published on April 4


The first meeting for the project "Life skills 4 inclusion" (Project reference: 2022-2-IT02-KA210-ADU-000091959), coordinated by Cooperativa Diversa Arte, based in Rome, Italy, with the support of the partners Dinserta (Spain), Community Development Institute (Macedonia) and Aketh (Greece), with a budget of € 60,000.00 and funded by the European Commission within the framework of Erasmus+ Adult sector, took place on Monday 3 April.

The meeting was held online, and the participants, project managers and presidents of the institutions involved, had the pleasure of getting to know each other better, at least visually, and thus being able to break the ice in order to establish a cool and open atmosphere. In fact, the meeting started with an interactive session, in which participants shared with the group their mood and feelings regarding the start of the prgectuality. Immediately a great desire to work together emerged, with enthusiasm and professionalism. 

The meeting then developed by examining the more technical aspects of the project and sharing the tasks to be carried out, each with their own work assignments. To this end, the following session was very useful, in which each project manager took the floor, describing clearly and in detail his or her own reality as a territorial entity and the expectations of each on the impacts that the project will generate on the local community and context. 

It was a very interesting and formative moment of sharing for everyone, which allowed us to relate the hard and soft skills of the whole consortium and also allowed us to understand the needs of all the entities involved. 

The participants then discussed the international activity, which will take place at the Dideas partner site. In fact, after having shared in detail the aspects relating to the themes of the activity, the working days and the results that the partners will generate, the Dideas project manager took the floor, explaining in more detail the logistical aspects relating to the location, how it can be reached and we defined together the dates on which the week of international activity will be held. 

After this more serious moment, we moved on to choose the project logo together, from the three that had been proposed. We also shared and defined together the best project practices, in order to give life to a project that also cares about the sustainability of actions in an ecological key, a factor that cannot be neglected under any circumstances in this historical moment, creating an internal protocol within the partnership, called "Zero Environmental Impact".


We discussed the next steps to be developed in preparation for the international activity and closed with the last session for any doubts, questions, considerations, and final clarifications. 

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Workshop in Castellón from September 17 to 24, 2023


From September 17th to 24th, the transnational project workshop took place in Castellón, Spain. The activity involved professionals and trainers in the adult education sector, experts who daily support individuals with disabilities within partnership organizations. With the aim of assisting this target group in acquiring appropriate life skills, the meeting was crucial for the development of two very important project outputs, namely:

  • A digital toolkit based on innovative methods for teaching Life Skills to learners with disabilities.
  • The creation of digital measurement tools to assess the improvement of Life Skills among disabled learners within adult education courses. 

From September 17th to 24th, the transnational project workshop took place in Castellón, Spain. The activity involved professionals and trainers in the adult education sector, experts who daily support individuals with disabilities within partnership organizations. With the aim of assisting this target group in acquiring appropriate life skills, the meeting was crucial for the development of two very important project outputs, namely:

  • A digital toolkit based on innovative methods for teaching Life Skills to learners with disabilities.
  • The creation of digital measurement tools to assess the improvement of Life Skills among disabled learners within adult education courses. 


During a seven-day intensive work meeting in Castellón, Spain, professionals from North Macedonia, Greece, Spain, and Italy came together with a clear goal: to design a toolkit with targeted activities to work on the "life skills" of people with disabilities.

Participant Distribution during Activities: As the meeting involved participants from diverse backgrounds, priority was given to creating three mixed groups. This strategy aimed to incorporate a wide range of perspectives and experiences, ensuring that the developed activities were as inclusive and adaptive as possible.


The Created Toolkit: 

The digital toolkit aims to be a supportive tool for educators in the adult sector who work with adults with disabilities needing to develop the 10 fundamental life skills identified by the World Health Organization (WHO). For each skill, the team has created practical support tools to be applied in daily work. The applications are guided and offer practical insights for planning follow-ups and variations to customize the applications case by case. Moreover, the tools created for individual life skills can also be used by caregivers and other professionals involved in the personal and professional development of adults with disabilities.

The toolkit can be accessed by clicking the following button












The Created Assessment Tool: 

This digital tool was developed to assess and measure the progress of life skills in disabled learners participating in adult training courses. This tool is essential for monitoring the effectiveness of life skills teaching and making any necessary improvements to the educational path. The assessment tool has been created in two versions, one of which is simplified to make it accessible to students with lower cognitive ages. In fact, in many cases, the cognitive age of people with disabilities does not correspond to their chronological age, and it is important to consider this characteristic in the daily application of these tools.

The assessment tools, in both the full version and the shorter version for lower cognitive ages, can be accessed by clicking the following buttons:













Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Using this Assesment tools, please take into account of this disclaimer. 


Application Tips

calendar (1)

Measure progress 

Measure the starting point  

Use the Toolkit 

First, use the assesment tool to measure the learner's starting point against or on parts of the 10 Key Life Skills set by WHO. Use the long version or the short version depending on the actual case of application 

Use the Assesment tool again to assess progress related to the application of the digital Toolkit 

Applies practical exercises and tools to improve one or more of the Life Skills initially measured with the Assesment tool 

Some Picture of the workshop


What's next

Appointments not to be missed


Closing Meeting in Rome

April 2024

The Project Closing Meeting, represents the closing event, where staff members of the consortium organizations that participated in the different project phases will meet to further enhance its strengths and maximize its sustainability of time. 
The event will be held at the headquarters of the lead organization, Diversa Arte, is will represent one of the most important venues where the project results will be presented in their entirety to local communities, involving the various stakeholders.


Title: Success of the LS4I Project: A Closing Event and Cultural Discoveries in Rome

Rome, May 23, 2024 – On May 22, the closing event for the LS4I Project, funded by the European Community under the ERASMUS+ program, took place at Industrie Fluviali. The Diversa Arte Cooperative, leading a partnership with organizations from Spain, Greece, and North Macedonia, celebrated the achievements and new perspectives opened by the project.

The event was a significant opportunity to share the results of the activities carried out to strengthen skills for people with disabilities. It was a moment of reflection and celebration, showcasing the successes achieved and the new paths the Cooperative is paving in terms of employment and social integration. 

In addition to the meeting with partners for the project closing meeting, an Open Day was also held on this occasion to present the project results to: families of users with disabilities, local health authorities, representatives of local institutions, decision-makers, and municipalities, with significant impact on the local community.

A heartfelt thanks went to all participants who showed interest and support, making the day a key moment of sharing and renewal for future initiatives.

Guided Walk: A Journey Through Time with "Tutta Mia la Città"

The following day, May 23, the group of young people from the Diversa Arte Cooperative, known as "Tutta Mia La Città", organized an extraordinary guided walk exploring the rich history of Testaccio. The tour included landmark sites such as the Emporium, the Porticus Aemilia, and the Monte dei Cocci, providing an in-depth look at the ancient origins of the rione, which was a crucial crossroads for goods coming from across the Mediterranean.

The young guides passionately and thoroughly presented the history of Testaccio, enriching their narrative with local curiosities and anecdotes. This event not only offered participants a deeper understanding of the city’s historical heritage but also showcased the skills and dedication of the "Tutta Mia La Città" group.

Visit to the Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta

In the latter part of the morning, to honor the international guests from Greece, Spain, and North Macedonia, a special visit to the Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta was organized. This historic site, renowned for its stunning gardens and breathtaking views of Rome, captivated everyone, providing an unforgettable experience in one of the city's precious gems.

A Project That Continues to Grow: The Digital Guide to Testaccio

The LS4I Project had a profound impact on the young people from the Diversa Arte Cooperative, who wanted to exceed the initial expectations of the project. Thanks to the co-funding from the Cooperative, a digital and interactive guide to the Testaccio neighborhood was created. This innovative tool was developed with the direct involvement of the young people, who played an active role in its creation.

The digital guide offers a detailed and engaging overview of Testaccio’s historic sites, allowing users to explore the neighborhood through an interactive interface rich in multimedia content. This project not only enhances the impact of the skills acquired by the young people but also provides a valuable resource for residents and visitors interested in learning more about Testaccio’s cultural heritage.

To access the results and explore the digital guide, click below


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Some Picture of the Closing Meeting and the open day


Some Picture of the Some photos from the guided tour of the Testaccio neighborhood by the cooperative's members.
