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This project was initiated by organisations that have made inclusion their banner, and intend to continue to implement ever more ambitious projects and initiatives to ensure more inclusive and respectful societies. Today, it is important that everyone plays their part in helping to build more inclusive societies. 

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The Cooperativa Diversa Arte, henceforth referred to as 'Diversa Arte', is a non-partisan, apolitical social cooperative society that pursues social and solidarity aims, consisting of 10 worker-members, 4 of whom are disabled, and several volunteers. Diversa Arte was established in 2009 as a result of an internship and job training project for young people with disabilities (Labour Exchange of the Municipality I of Rome). Diversa Arte was established at the behest of the families and the Municipality itself and has since its inception given rise to a unique experimental project, the CentroNoi, which, in addition to providing a service for disabled young people in the area, gave them the opportunity to experience the work skills of people with disabilities in a protected environment. Diversa Arte, in addition to providing home care, personal autonomy, school support and family relief services, has initiated vocational training and job placement courses for the disabled.

Since its foundation, the cooperative has offered different types of services to care for, assist and support the professional, personal and social development of people with physical, intellectual and mental disabilities of different age groups and social backgrounds.
Specifically, the services offered include:
-Accompaniment and processing of bureaucratic paperwork;
-Personal and social autonomy and orientation; 

-Participation in cultural and sports initiatives; 

-Support and strengthening of social networks;
-Activities aimed at job placement; 

-School/university support;
-Laboratory and socialisation group activities (recreational/recreational, manuals, recycling, dance/theatre, educational garden, creative writing, computers, cultural etc.);
-Paths and activities aimed at fostering full social inclusion, personal and habilitative independence (Dopo di noi, L. N.112/2016);
-Home, personal and social autonomy activities and paths (Durante Noi);


One of the most important recent projects was 'LavorAbile', winner of the public notice launched by LazioCrea, for the implementation of regional interventions in support of social cooperatives (Art. 13 regional law of 27 June 1996, no. 24). It is aimed at young adults with disabilities residing in the Municipality of Rome, and is aimed not only at the acquisition of practical-professional skills but also at the development and enhancement of personal and social skills useful for job placement.
LavorAbile has foreseen 4 training pre-courses: 

1. Educational garden and gardening;
2. Small carpentry and furniture restoration; 

3. Screen printing;
4. Secretarial work
The project lasts 12 months and each course can accommodate 4/5 young adults between 18 and 45 years of age.
All the training and workshop activities were supported by tutors and specialised figures in the sector, as well as collaborations with various local realities.


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Dinserta is a special employment centre, approved by the 'Generalitat Valenciana', created in 2016. The organisation deals with the vocational training of learners with disabilities as well as the subsequent job placement phase, with reference to 4 groups of activities: cleaning services, consultancy services, secretarial services, assistance and sales support;
One of the most important activities is the training of professionals dealing with the learning of learners with disabilities, as these people deserve special care and attention in their personal and professional development.
Training is basically focused on technical skills, but today more and more is being invested in other types of skills such as soft skills, social skills, the ability to be autonomous, creativity, communication: these are skills that are increasingly needed both in the world of work and in the personal life of this target group
Dinserta deals with vocational and personal training of people with disabilities and their entry into the world of work. In addition, the organisation provides courses to increase social skills in order to promote the social inclusion of this target group. Fundamental to this is the professional training of educators involved in the training of disabled learners, who need specific approaches especially from the 'human' point of view, as educators constantly train skills such as: empathy, communication, assertiveness, people management, respect for disabilities, emotional intelligence, and training skills based on non-formal methods.
The staff employed has more than 20 years of experience in dealing with 'special' groups, and some staff members have also worked on European project management in one of the organisations in the 'Dideas SL' network.
Dinserta is gaining strong experience in the development of online training through platforms such as Moodle

The organisation has recently entered the Erasmus+ world as a partner within the European project: arts abled, project reference: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-00027905, a large cooperation in the school sector focused on the education of people with disabilities through the arts.
The main objective of the project is to create new practices for students with special educational needs (SEN), integrating arts and vocational education (VET) to support families and promote the integration and employability of these students, through the improvement of school education.

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The Community Development Institute (CDI) is a national association for sustainable development, education and social services. The CDI's experience is based on more than 25 years of work in the community, addressing the problems and needs of citizens and helping them overcome challenges through programmes, projects and activities. The CDI involves local communities from an area of more than sixty (60) municipalities, covering more than half of the population of the Republic of Macedonia and has currently taken part in about 200 projects, at the local, national and European level in different fields, and is a founding member of the DISABILITY PLATFORM Macedonia, which brings together academic, educational and business institutions, to address challenges and needs of disabled and vulnerable groups, is a member of European networks such as: Social Firms Europe CEFEC, DIESIS, SOLIDAR, European Civic Forum, SAMARITAN, the IRIS network, the European Network for Innovation in Inclusion, FHR and many others.
The organisation carries out various activities, among the most relevant for the purposes of this project, are training activities and vocational and non vocational education and training courses for disabled people and professionals working with disabled people (educators, trainers, tutors), and cooperates with the education "ecosystem" consisting of public bodies, profit and non-profit private organisations.
Due to its strong local action, the CDI has managed to involve thousands of participants in different programmes and thematic areas at local, national and European level. In addition, the organisation also offers counselling and guidance services with respect to placement in the labour market and is very active within the Erasmus+ programme, both as a partner and as project coordinator also on the topic of education and training of disabled and vulnerable persons and the promotion of their level of social inclusion.


The Community Development Institute, has already taken part in several European projects within the Erasmus+ programme one of the best was definitely Teaching History for Disabled Students through Digitilized Gamification Tools, project reference - 2021-1-PL01-KA220-SCH-000023916.
The project aims to support the capacity building of special education history teachers in primary and secondary education by developing innovative, digitally-based gamification training methods effective for the learning of learners, including those with fewer opportunities (visual impairment, hearing impairment, intellectual impairment, dyslexia)
The project aims to create methodologies that staff can apply to ensure learning success and greater inclusion for all tools supporting, with particular regard, those with fewer opportunities.

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Anaptyxiako Kentro Thessalias, henceforth also referred to as AKETH, based in Trikala, is a non-profit adult continuing and non-vocational vocational training centre established in 2004 in Trikala, Greece.
AKETH pursues the objectives outlined in the European Union's strategic framework on combating increasing levels of unemployment and social exclusion, which mainly affect disadvantaged social groups, such as people with fewer opportunities, people with disabilities, and young people from immigrant backgrounds, resulting in social exclusion and increased poverty.
These phenomena threaten social cohesion and living standards, and the main way to tackle these problems is to improve education/training in terms of quality and efficiency. AKETH's mission is to provide certified education and training opportunities, personal development to contribute to the improvement of life.
AKETH is a centre for continuing and non-vocational vocational training for adults in various fields: basic and advanced digital skills, innovative training methods for educators, soft skills, web design, administration, technical drawing).
The organisation has extensive experience, both in local pathways and in EU projects and promotes innovative training methods based on e-Learning, with Moodle LMS technology (hosting, customisation, development, support, training), develops web conferencing tools, customised digital content (SCORM, videos, animations, flip books, AR/VR/3D content, HTML5 content), ready-made SCORM content libraries (soft skills, technical skills, etc.), learning analysis methods, gamification and game-based learning techniques.
AKETH promotes training through LMS, a platform that offers trainers the opportunity to deliver face-to-face training at a distance (integrating WEB 2.0 tools).


One of the most important projects realised within the European programme was certainly 2) Problem based learning / Inquiry Based Learning, project reference: 2020-1-EL01- KA104-078282 The project stems from the awareness of the importance of training and adult education and the complex and difficult role of the trainer, therefore it aims to increase the skills of trainers and to equip them with the necessary tools to integrate modern teaching and counselling methods into the educational process. The acquisition of these competences is aimed at accompanying learners towards the full success of the learning outcomes, helping them to 'fall in love' with learning and encouraging them to take part in lifelong learning. The new methods also aim to make training and learning outcomes accessible to all, including learners with cognitive difficulties.